Thursday, December 08, 2005

2005.12.08 Update

Well, it is now December and I am learning more and more about an organization that claims to be the one true religion, so does every other religion, but has a few skeletons in the closet, so does every other religion.
Reading through the post of other witnesses and non-witnesses, I have learned things that the WTBTS does not want its members to find out and in order to protect themselves from losing membership, they are publishing information that is meant to direct its members from finding out such truths by characterizing the internet as an unwise decision to go roaming about. But I do remember Jesus saying to his disciples to do as they say but not as they do for they were put into place by God.
In my opinion, I see much benefit in most of their teachings. It does come from the bible and it is good for us as a protection. It’s sad that they don’t act the same way or walk in their own footsteps. It makes it a little difficult to do what is right when I have to keep verifying that what is spoken is true according to the bible.
My family does not attend the meetings now, but we are still very strong with our beliefs. My wife instills our values onto our children to help them understand what the truth is. We choose not to “protect” them with “white” lies but instead tell the truth in a way that their young minds can understand and apply in their lives. I do pray everyday that we are doing what is right and ask God Jehovah for help in doing so.
I do keep in contact with my friends who are still very strong in meeting attendance but I don’t divulge to them that I have stopped going. I would rather not stumble them with my personal choices if I am wrong. I sometimes pray for a small sign like in the Old Testament to show the WTBTS and its members how they need to change, and then I think, “Who am I to ask for such things.” It’s humbling when I sit and imagine the enormous power that God and his Son has and how little and insignificant we really are. I mean, they do not need us, but they made us and I would like to think that means something to them that God would allow his own Son to die for us. I feel like, “whoa” that is amazing!
My dad has been getting into the bible now and he has lots of questions and lots of his own reasoning. When my dad gets stuck on an idea, he is very strong minded about it. It would take a mini-miracle for him to change his mind once it is set. So I find it a joy and challenge to discuss bible based doctrines and prophecies an how those are different from what some religions are saying. Maybe God is using him to sharpen me or vice versa.
There is so much in the bible to read and understand and I hope to get to much of it before it’s my time or the end. I would feel bad if I did not have enough time to get a better idea of the bible than I do now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, Truth seeker!

I am on a similar path to Truth seeking, but you are much further down the road than I am.

I enjoy your blog, and your questions. I appreciate that you read the Word and know it well enough to compare.

It's motivating for me to hear that you and your dad are praying and studying together, sincerely seeking the Truth on how to please the LORD.

I have been in the sleepy complacent place where I have just believed what I have been told to believe- then I noticed in a Bible study once that they were taking verses out of context to highlight their point, and this particular instance was pretty blatent.

So this is how I got started on this journey- to find what IS the Truth, and actually "work out my salvation with fear and trembling" instead of accepting the pastor's words "you don't have to understand it, you just have to believe it... and this is what we believe...1,2,3,etc."

Keep writing!

Friday, December 09, 2005 8:42:00 AM  

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